December 28, 2018 in the Chuvash Republican Institute of Education held a joint New Year's concert of Tatiana Furtas and Dmitry Syomkin.
Tatiana Furtas performed the following works:
- J. Verdi. Recital from the opera "Traviata" (duet)
- M. Ehrmann “Voice”
- Music by A. Pakhmutova, words by M. Matusovsky “Old Maple” (duet)
- Music I. Reznik, lyrics by I. Tsvetkov “Cinderella”
- Music by A. Lepin, words by V. Korostylev “Song about a good mood” from k / f "Carnival Night"
- Music F. Sartori, lyrics by L. Quarantoto “Time to Say Good bye” (duet)
- I. Dunaevsky. Zazdravnaya.