The next concert of vocal music took place in the hall of the State art Museum. Performer-laureate of international and national competitions Tatiana Furtas.
Those who visited this concert will agree that the voice of the singer, characterized by special penetration and expressiveness, has become a real gift for lovers of good singing. Skill and technique not only met the expectations of the audience, but also allowed to speak with full confidence about the concert as a phenomenon of the highest art.
The program of the concert included both classical and contemporary works by: G. Handel, G. Donizetti, Toma, G. Wolff's songs, R. Strauss's songs, and G. pulpit's songs. Rimsky-Korsakov, N. Metner, T. Khrennikova, G. Sviridova, V. Gavrilina, V. Lukin.
The execution of such works as the soprano Aria from the oratorio "Messiah"G. F. Handel and the Aria of Lucia from the Opera "Lucia di Lammermoor" by G. Donizetti was one of the most anxious moments of the evening that allowed the audience to be in the power of magic wondrous melodies and colorful stories.
The concert was also attended by colleagues Tatiana Furtas-teachers of the faculty of music and education of the Chuvash state pedagogical University. I. ya. Yakovleva: honored artist of Russia Yuri TREPOV (piano), honored artist of the CR Vladimir Egorov (tenor). Concertmaster-honored worker of culture of the Czech Republic Galina Orlova, a musician with extensive performance capabilities and exceptional sense of partnership.
Tatiana Furtas manages to organically combine scientific, teaching, performing activities, as well as participate in various competitions of performing skills. In 2011, she won one of the most prestigious competitions in Italy and Europe – XIV International music competition "PIETRO ARGENTO" category "Opera singing" (Italy, Gioia del Colle), which brought together an unprecedented number of participants – 180 people from 29 countries.
"Bella voce" - these are the words of the jury of this competition noted her performance.
Bella voce! Bravissimo, Tatiana! Let these words sound like a refrain throughout Your creative life.
V. Yu. Arestov