(Excerpts from an article in the magazine in Russian for residents and guests of Munich "Munich City"
(Monatliches Informationsmagazin “Munich City” No. 10 (65) October 2016)
(Excerpts from an article in the magazine in Russian for residents and guests of Munich "Munich City"
(Monatliches Informations Magazin “München City” № 2 (57) February 2016)
(Newspaper "Alatyr news" dated July 8, 2014 (No. 50 (13439)
(Newspaper "Pedsovet" of February 21, 2012 (№2-3 (404-405)
(Newspaper "Cheboksary news" of July 16, 2011 (№75)
(excerpts from the article)
(Newspaper "Moskovsky Komsomolets" - №24 for 2006)
(excerpts from the article)
(The newspaper "The scene of the Chuvash Republic" on 29 October 2005. (No. 1)
Bakery №1 (JSC" bread") celebrated its 70th anniversary
(excerpts from the article)
(Newspaper "Republic" of December 15, 2004 (№52)
(excerpts from the article)
(Magazine "Music review" № № 5-6 2003.)
(excerpts from the article)
(Journal "Musical life" of March 3, 2003)
(Newspaper "Alatyr news" December 2002)
(Newspaper "Alatyr news" of December 7, 2002 (№№127-128)
(excerpts from the article)
(Newspaper "Cheboksary Pravda" of December 12, 2002 (№49)
(excerpts from the article)
(Newspaper "Youth courier" of December 15, 2002 №49)
(excerpts from the article)
(Newspaper "Soviet Chuvashia" of November 29, 2002)
(excerpts from the article)
(Newspaper "Life" from 29 November 2002 (№137)
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